March 7, 2014

Let’s take a look at the spread of gyms throughout the North East. As you can see in the image there is an abundance of gym locations throughout Newcastle and are spread out all across the region with no immediate concentration in ideal locations.

Having looked at the catchment areas of a leading gym provider in the UK, we have seen that gym locations vary across towns and cities. Gyms aren’t all clustered together in one location; they are most typically spread out across a city, capturing people from local communities as can be seen in red shading in Newcastle. 

However, we have seen some crossover in people that train before or after work, and therefore, do not always go to the gym that is nearest to their house but the one nearest to their work. People are also willing to travel to a gym that satisfies their particular area of interest i.e. Luxury fitness suite’s, Women’s only gym, free-weight specialists etc.

For our next blog we will look at the spread of gyms and travel distances that the Atlas Mapping team take in order to train, so keep an eye out.